Portuguese VET and adult training provider established
in 2005, accredited by the government of the Portuguese
Republic. your mission is to give attention to
innovative training methods, validation and assessing
the learning outcomes.
PREVIFORM, LDA. has been
acting for many years in organising qualitative
internships for VET education students in Portuguese
companies operating in various areas: ICT, business
administration, editor, accountancy, tourism, veterinary,
cuisine, catering, graphic design, economics, marketing,
public administration, equestrian, architecture,
agriculture, alternative energy resources, etc. PREVIFORM as successfully worked for more than 10 years
in different EU co-funded projects in order to build and
develop innovative training and during those years it
has constituted experienced team which includes project
managers, researchers, trainers, VET experts.
Os nossos projetos financiados
MH4HRM - Mental Health Toolkit for Human Resources Managers in the workforce
Projeto Europeu "MH4HRM" projeto nº 2023-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000154369, financiado pelo Programa Erasmus + KA220.
O objetivo do projeto é fornecer conhecimentos necessários para ultrapassar a falta de competências em matéria de saúde mental necessárias na realidade das empresas europeias .
Bridge the Gap
O projeto Bridge the Gap visa promover a aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento competências essenciais (Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, partilha de informação, etc.