Reunião transnacional do projeto "No Gender Gap", em Amesterdão, Holanda


Realizou-se entre os dias 14-16 de Novembro de 2019 a terceira reunião transnacional do projeto "No Gender Gap", em Amesterdão, Holanda.

"No Gender Gap" project 3rd transnational project meeting was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 14-16 November 2019.

Partners started the meeting with discussing the current state of the project by means of management, budget and task division. Then MOOC content overview, division of labour, structure of collaboration, milestones, timeline and completion of intellectual output 1 were studied. Content overview, division of labour, structure of collaboration, milestones and timeline for intellectual output 2 were the topic of another session. 4th transnational meeting venue and dates were clarified and meeting was ended with the review of set objectives and timeline.

No Gender Gap project is an adult strategic partnership project that aimed at both educators and women at risk of social exclusion and belonging to disadvantaged groups (eg unemployed, victims of gender violence, refugees, without university studies, residents of rural areas) who want to improve their skills professionals in a sector where the high demand by companies in the world of ICTs can significantly reduce the unemployment rate.

Project improves the attractiveness of the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) through the use of robotics and automation, which have proven to be a means of successful involvement. It promotes digital literacy and critical thinking in women, especially those in situations of social exclusion and belonging to disadvantaged groups, thus reducing the gender gap and improving access to the labor market. Project also improves the professional competences of teachers through new methodological approaches

- Project is coordinated by Asociacion Building Bridges (Spain) in partnership with;
- ILA (Netherlands)
- Previform - Laboratório, Formação, Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho, Lda (Portugal)
- Scuola di Robotica (Italy)
- Weltgewandt. Institut für interkulturelle politische Bildung e.V. (Germany)"