2nd Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity (LTT)


A segunda Atividade de Aprendizagem, Ensino e Formação (LTT) no âmbito do Projeto Erasmus + "Less Hate More Debate" nº 2018-1-IT02-KA204-048079 que estava programada para ocorrer na Roménia, devido à pandemia de Covid-19, acabou por decorrer online entre os dias 10 a 22 de maio de 2021. Neste LTT estiveram reunidos representantes da Grécia, Itália, Suécia, Lituânia, Espanha , Portugal e Roménia.
Durante estas duas semanas de trabalho foram realizadas todas as sessões de debate que estavam programadas, e para as quais todos os parceiros do projeto, trabalharam arduamente nos últimos meses com os seus estudantes.
Foi, sem dúvida, um LTT muito interessante, informativo e produtivo. Os participantes adoraram a experiência e ficaram gratos pela oportunidade de adquirirem conhecimentos sobre as Metodologias de Debate e ainda, por colocá-las em prática. Foram duas semanas árduas, mas muito frutíferas, pois os objetivos propostos, para o LTT, foram alcançados com sucesso e todos os participantes ficaram satisfeitos.

The second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity (LTT) under the Less Hate More Debate Erasmus + Project nr. 2018-1-IT02-KA204-048079 that supposed to be held in Romania, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, took place Online between 10-22 of May 2021. In this LTT were ringed together representatives from Greece, Italy, Sweden, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, and Romania.
During these working two weeks were realized all the debate sessions that were scheduled, and for which, all partners were working hard in the last months with their students.
It was, without a doubt, a very interesting, informative, and productive LTT. Participants loved the experience and were grateful for the opportunity to learn about the Debate Methodologies and put them into practice. It was two arduous weeks, but at the same time, it was a very fruitful two weeks where the proposed objectives were successfully achieved and all participants were satisfied.